Sexy Boys
Boys are a good thing. Unless they hurt you. Then they suck more than anything in the world. But most of the time, boys are a good thing.
Few of them are trustworthy, nice, and not out for a good fuck. Those are the ones that you wanna hold on to. The rest are fun for the ride, but those are the ones you get hurt by.
There have been many that have come and gone in my life, and most of them I'v been hurt by. Not necessarily on purpose, but more on chance like when they've suddenly had to move because of parent's job offers or whatever. But most of it's been by the guys selfishness, and not willing to get to know me for me, not just getting to know me to find out what they can get from me.
As a quote from Jenny's webpage....
"Thunder only happens when it's raining, Players only love you when they're playing"
Boy..... Ain't it true?
Jenny and I must very so go to our castle by the sea, with her hunter/jumper stable next to my stable of saddleseat horses. Then we can invite all the worthy guys over and then we can have fun with them, because they were the ones who loved us no matter what. Except for GAP boy and Jonny Reznick. They automaticially get to come.